Friday, October 12, 2007


What a week! Not a lot of sleeping happening this week. If it is not the cats, the school bus, it is the smoke dectors that went off the other night because we had to turn the heat on for the first time ever. I guess what ever coatings were burning off caused smoke. That was are really wonderful awakening at 1:30am. Could not go back to sleep after that. The heat is fixed now had to run it all last night with the windows open to air out the smell, but now we are good.
Hope that everyone is doing well. Wanted to share a few things with you. The first is a series of Turkey cards that I made for a swap toss. I bought this turkey stamp just for it. I loved that he was dressed up as a pilgram.

And the last thing I wanted to show you all was my 2x2 bits and pieces swap. The theme was winter. I had my eye on this little guy for a long time and it finally forced me to buy it. I think that they turned out cute.

Since the weather has finally gotten cooler I am going to try to get some stuff outside done. Need to edge the flower beds and create a few. I plan on making a veggie garden in the back yard and a flower garden. We will see when we get to that. Also we are rearranging the garge this weekend and putting things in our attic. At least it is nice outside. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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